title with 2 kids playing on desert

5 Habits Of Successful Muslim Children That’ll Make Them Awesome Even In The Hereafter

infographic 5 Habits of Successful Muslim Children They do their salaah. They frequent the mosque. They learn Islam. They memorize the Quraan. They sleep after Ishaa. When the muadhdhin calls the athaan, he says, “Come to success, come to success.” Nobody and nothing calls us towards success five times a day. If the mosque is nearby, instead of praying at home, you can get a 25X or 27X reward when you go to the mosque and pray in congregation. ‘It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allaah’ [Faatir 35:28] Because our children’s memory powers are greater than ours, this is the time for them to absorb as much of the Quraan as possible. By consistently getting them to bed after Ishaa, they can develop good sleeping habits, in sha Allaah.

When my daughter was in grade three, she topped her class, Allaahumma baarik. I was so proud of her when she was on stage receiving her medal and certificate. I had to fight back my tears so that I didn’t overly embarrass myself. 

But I also thought about all those days and nights we spent working hard so that she could prepare for her tests and exams. We spent so much time and my daughter struggled a lot to stick to our learning plans.

Was it worth it? Erm… Nope. I don’t think it was worth it. 

Why? Because academic success is overrated. 

Even in high school, there was a lot of unnecessary pressure on us. I spent many hours every day, after school, to ensure I was doing my best. But who cares about that now!? In fact, some of my then classmates who weren’t so successful at school are doing well in their careers. 

So, does it matter how many A’s our children get?

In fact, it’s not academic success that determines how successful our children are. It is how well they are preparing for the Hereafter. The Hereafter is all that matters. 

Parents need to understand that when raising a Muslim child, we need to teach them that Islam is a full-time way of life. For example, Islam teaches us how to live in harmony with others, and how to treat each other with respect. Not just on Fridays or during Ramadaan, but all the time. 

And if we can get our children to embrace Islam in all spheres of their lives and earn the pleasure of Allaah, they’ll be successful in everything they do. They’ll have Allaah every step along the way.

Even the things that are failures aren’t failures when Allah has our back. He loves us and is always there for us. What do we have to fear?

(If nobody stops me, I end up going on a tangent and get lost in some other thought.)

So, let’s stop getting distracted and discuss some of the most important things we should know about raising successful Muslim children.

man and boy praying together in a white home

1. The Importance of Salaah

The most important ingredient for raising successful Muslim children lies in the five daily prayers, spread throughout the day and night. 


When the muadhdhin calls the athaan, he says, “Come to success, come to success.” Nobody and nothing calls us towards success five times a day. 


Success starts with our prayers. And that’s what we first need to train our children to do so that they can be successful Muslim children.

picture of minaret

2. The Importance of Visiting the Mosque

This is especially for the boys. Visiting the mosque to attend congregational prayers is one of the best deeds to do. Some scholars are also of the opinion that it is compulsory for men. 


If the mosque is nearby, instead of praying at home, you can get a 25X or 27X reward when you go to the mosque and pray in congregation. 


It is good to get our boys into the habit of visiting the masjid often. This will also help them to make friends with some of the most righteous people. Where else can you find the best of people? 

woman with 2 kids and book in hand

3. The Importance of Seeking Islamic Knowledge

‘It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allaah’ [Faatir 35:28] 

Islam teaches us to seek knowledge. Our children must learn how to live their lives according to the teachings of Islam.

We can provide our children with resources to seek Islamic knowledge. Lots of free resources are available. We can also encourage them to write a summary of whatever they learn and reward them for their efforts.

beautiful Quran text

4. The Importance of Memorizing the Quraan

There are many benefits of memorizing the Qur’an. 

  • The more we read and memorize the Quraan, the more we get absorbed in the message Allaah conveyed to us. 
  • Every time we recite one letter from the Quraan, we get at least 10 rewards. Imagine. How many times do we recite a verse to memorize it? How many rewards is that?!
  • Memorizing the Quraan also helps us develop our memory. 

The benefits are actually unlimited. Maybe it’ll be the topic of a blog post for another day. Maybe. Just maybe. 

Because our children’s memory powers are greater than ours, this is the time for them to absorb as much of the Quraan as possible. We wouldn’t want them to miss out. 

cat sleeping in white blankie

5. The Importance of Sleeping Early

It’s essential to sleep at least eight hours every night. And children need more than that. This is because when we’re sleeping, our body repairs itself and heals any damage done during the day. If we don’t sleep enough, our body won’t be able to repair itself properly.

One of the best ways to ensure success is to sleep early and make the best use of the mornings. And this is something we have to encourage our children to do. 

By consistently getting them to bed after Ishaa, they can develop good sleeping habits, in sha Allaah. Don’t worry about them waking up early. That will happen automatically. They just need to go to bed after Ishaa and it’ll all fall into place, in sha Allaah


Real success lies in attaining the Hereafter. And that’s what we want to make sure our children focus on. 

By prioritizing their salaah, visiting the mosque, making friends with righteous people, seeking Islamic knowledge, memorizing the Quraan and sleeping on time, our children will be far ahead in both, this world and the Hereafter, in shaa Allaah.

Success is ultimately in Allaah’s Power and He grants success to whom He wills. We just need to make duaa for our children and ourselves and do the best we can. 

Sometimes, I write three blog posts within a week. And sometimes, some cool posts like this one slip through the cracks without anyone reading them. It happens, classic blog stuff.

But I thought I should still do something about this. And I know I can’t keep showing up in people’s inboxes uninvited. So I thought….

I have this 30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist that people skipped on. And since you’re a sweetheart sister, can you please share it with your friends and family? 

It’s right here

Jazakil laahu khayran, in advance. 

30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist (1024 × 1024px) (600 × 200px) (1200 × 400px)

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