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Celebrating the Purity of a Believer 💖


Welcome, Muslim mamas! Today we’ll explore an inspiring and comforting Islamic belief about the purity of a believer, “The believer does not become Najas (impure).”


Unveiling the Truth: We Are Always Pure, Always Loved 🕊


Do you carry the burden of a truckload of sins? 

Doesn’t make you impure.


Are you junub (in a state necessitating Ghusl) or on your period? 

Doesn’t make you impure.


In Islam, the essence of a believer never becomes impure, regardless of any physical or spiritual impurities they may encounter. Isn’t it heartening to know that Allah always views us as pure? ❤️


In the words of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather he looks at your hearts and actions.” 💖


Mommyhood: A Test of Faith and Purity 💪


Motherhood often feels like a constant test of patience and resilience. From late-night feedings to toddler tantrums to teen anxieties, the challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming. Yet, in these very trials, we find our purity and strength as believers. Remember, my dear sisters, Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear. 🐣💞

Staying Pure Amidst Chaos: Some Tips ✨


  1. Remember Your Worth: You’re a believer, and that means your core is always pure. When you’re overwhelmed, recall this soothing belief. 🌼
  2. Nurture Your Spiritual Self: Try to pray in a quiet place to have greater Khushoo every day. It’s amazing how this small action can create huge positive ripples in your life. 🌙
  3. Reach Out: Join a community of Muslim moms. Share/comment with your experiences, and listen to theirs. Together, we’re stronger! 👭💖


Quotable Quotes 📝💡


As we wind up this post, let’s remember some wisdom from our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam):


“Cleanliness is half of faith.” – Sahih Muslim 🧼


“A believer is like a mirror to other believers (in truthfulness).” – Abu Dawood 🪞💎


In Conclusion: Purity of a Believer 🤍🌟


As Muslim moms, we’re privileged to nurture the next generation of believers. Our journey might be strewn with obstacles, but remember, as believers, we never become impure. Our hearts, our spirits, our faith remain invincible. 🥰✨


Thank you for being here, for sharing this journey of faith and motherhood with us. Remember, you’re not alone. We are here for you, we believe in you. Keep shining, Muslim mamas! 💖🌹


And until our next conversation, may Allah’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. 💕🌸

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