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Navigating Life with Islamic Principles for Healthy Living


As a mother, you’re nurturing the future generation, and the responsibility of raising children who are spiritually sound and physically healthy can sometimes feel daunting. But remember, you are not alone in this journey. The teachings of our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and the guidance of the Quran are with us every step of the way.


Let’s dive in together and explore some of these basic, yet enlightening teachings to lead a life with Islamic principles.


The Importance of Avoiding Intoxicants


You’ll be sad if you research how lightly many Muslims have taken this prohibition. There are Muslim fathers who are addicted to intoxicants and many of our youth are getting carried away by peer pressure. Our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said, “Every intoxicant is Khamr, so every intoxicant is Haraam.” He also warned, “Whatever intoxicates in large amounts is Haraam in small amounts.” This wisdom reminds us to avoid substances that can impair our judgement and behavior, whether in large or small amounts. It’s a valuable lesson, not only for our health but also for the spiritual and emotional well-being of our families. It’s an important lesson to teach our children before they get swayed by bad companions or the media.


The Importance of Avoiding Smoking


Initially, the only known ill effect of smoking was “smoker’s breath”. Hence, the scholars ruled it to be makrooh based on the following hadith. Our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) once talked about strong-smelling plants like garlic. When his companions heard his dislike, they immediately exclaimed, “It has been forbidden!” But he clarified, “O people, I cannot forbid what Allah has made lawful, but it is a plant whose odour I dislike.” Just as it was makrooh to have garlic, considering others around us, smoking was also given the same ruling. 


But when it was proved that smoking causes cancer and kills people, the ruling changed, based on profound teachings from the Qur’aan and Hadiths about preserving our lives. The Quran instructs us: “And do not kill yourselves, for Allah is indeed merciful to you,” and “…do not throw yourselves into destruction with your own hands.” 


Valuing Life and Allah’s Mercy


Life can be challenging, and it’s our responsibility to teach our children that every life, including our own, is sacred and valued. Turning to intoxicants or tobacco isn’t the solution and Allah’s mercy is always near. In a Hadith, our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) shared stern words against self-harm, reminding us of the importance of valuing the life gifted to us by Allah. 


Conclusion: Embracing our Roles as Mothers


So, dear sisters, as we embark on the beautiful, challenging, and rewarding journey of motherhood, let’s hold these teachings close to our hearts. They are not just rules, but a source of wisdom and guidance, helping us navigate the myriad complexities of life. Together, we can nurture our homes with love, kindness, and the teachings of our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam).


Because children don’t come with a manual, it can be challenging to be a proactive, thriving parent. To help with this, we’ve crafted a simple, yet powerful, 30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist. This is designed for parents, with gentle reminders and hands-on tips focused on quality interactions with your children. It is formulated keeping their spiritual well-being and best interests in mind. Check out this FREE exclusive checklist. Don’t be left out! 


Want to make your children happier in this world and the Hereafter? Then this checklist is for you!


May Allah guide us all on this journey, and may He bless our families with health, happiness, and His endless Mercy. 


Remember, you are amazing, you are doing great, and you are never alone. We are all in this together!


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