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Embracing the Sunnah: A Guide for Muslim Mothers


Let’s delve into the treasures of our beautiful Deen, Islam, by taking a closer look at some of the teachings and practices of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam). As Allah says in Soorah al-Hashr (59:7), “Whatever the Prophet orders you, do it, and whatever he forbids you, leave it!” Our path to success in both this life and the next is intricately linked to our adherence to these instructions. Let’s see how embracing the sunnah can guide us.


1. Teaching the Basics: 


The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) has set clear instructions for us. As stated in the Qur’an, “And they were only ordered to worship Allaah, alone, establish their Salaah and pay their Zakaah.” As mothers, we hold a prime position in educating our children about these pillars of Islam from a young age.


2. Prioritizing Cleanliness: 


The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) emphasized the importance of cleanliness, particularly on Fridays. He said, “Whoever makes Wudoo’ on Friday is blessed, but making the Ghusl is better.” Let’s strive to instill this virtue in our children, reminding them of the importance of cleanliness in our religion.


Respecting Food Preferences - pic of different foods

3. Respecting Food Preferences: 


We learn from the anecdote about Khaalid ibn al-Waleed and the Dabb lizard that it’s okay to have personal food preferences. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) didn’t forbid eating it, he just expressed his personal dislike. This teaches us to respect our children’s food preferences too. I usually ask my children to taste a portion of any food before rejecting it because it takes multiple exposures to a food item before they develop a taste for it. Comment below with how you deal with picky eating whilst respecting personal food preferences.


4. Promoting Good Manners: 


From the teachings of our Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), we understand the significance of good manners. Statements like “Don’t eat with your left hand, for surely Satan eats with his left hand,” guide us to encourage our children towards appropriate behavior. Such ahadith teach our children to show respect and manners in their daily life.


5. Avoiding Harmful Practices: 


“Verily alcohol, gambling, and fortunetelling are filth from the work of Satan, so avoid them totally in order to be successful.” (Soorah al-Maa‘idah (5): 90) This verse is a clear reminder to steer clear of harmful practices and teach our children about the potential dangers they pose. Check this blog post on Islamic Principles for Healthy Living to learn more about such harmful habits to avoid.


Man planting small tree - showing cultivating humility

6. Cultivating Humility: 


The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) stated, “Every haughty, fat (from overeating) and proud person” will be among the people of Hell. This is a stern reminder for us to raise our children with humility and encourage a healthy lifestyle.


7. Encouraging Gender Appropriateness: 


The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) also highlighted the importance of respecting one’s gender chosen by Allaah. “Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) cursed men who dressed like women and women who dressed like men.” Teaching our children about this from an early age will help them respect and appreciate how they are created and understand the wisdom behind Allah’s creation.


Conclusion: Embracing the Sunnah


In conclusion, dear sisters, our role as mothers in Islam is truly significant. We are the first teachers, the nurturers, and the guides of the next generation. May Allah guide us in embracing the sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) in our day-to-day lives and imparting these invaluable teachings to our children. 


In light of the above post, I’ve decided to share an exciting, helpful, and spiritual checklist for all our wonderful parents out there. We understand how challenging it can be to navigate parenthood; hence, this is our simple yet powerful way of aiding you. This 30-Day Islamic Parenting checklist focuses on quality interactions with your children, keeping their spiritual well-being and best interests in mind. So, dive in!

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