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Get-Calm-Quick Scheme for Muslim Moms: Your Secret to Staying Cool 🌸 Title on a Calm homely setting

Get-Calm-Quick Scheme for Muslim Moms: Your Secret to Staying Cool 🌸

As a busy Muslim mom, have you ever wondered how to keep calm when the house feels like chaos? We’ve all been there! Between toddlers having crayon wars on the walls and laundry mountains growing by the minute, finding peace can seem impossible. But don’t worry! In this blog, we’ll share the Get-Calm-Quick Scheme to help you navigate those challenging moments like a pro.

Why Life Feels Like an Obstacle Course 🏃‍♀️

Life can be overwhelming. As Allah (subhaanahu wataala) tells us, the world is full of tests, big and small. Even the prophets (peace be upon them) faced hardships. Sometimes it feels like you’re jumping through hoops just to survive the day. But guess what? Every struggle is an opportunity to grow closer to Allah.

“Indeed, with hardship comes ease.” (Qur’an 94:6)

The beauty of these challenges is that they’re also our path to paradise. Isn’t that comforting?

Patience Is Your Superpower 

Now, let’s talk about patience. It may sound like a cliché, but trust me, it works. When the kids are on a sugar-fueled rampage and your to-do list seems endless, take a deep breath. Remind yourself that Allah is with the patient.

Patience isn’t about putting up with everything silently. It’s about choosing how you respond. And when you’re about to lose it, take a step back and say: “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel”—”Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.”

Dhikr: The Ultimate Stress Buster 🌿

Feeling overwhelmed? Try the quickest stress relief technique: Dhikr (remembrance of Allah). In fact, research shows that mindfulness and meditation reduce anxiety, and Dhikr is the Islamic version of that! Allah tells us:

“Verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest.” (Quraan 13:28)

So next time you’re ready to scream, pause for a second. Recite Aoothu billaahi minaash shaytaanir rajeem. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it calms your nerves. For more on how to incorporate spiritual habits into daily life, check out Life with Islamic Principles for some amazing tips. 🌸

Talbeenah: Your Secret Comfort Food 🍯

Have you heard of Talbeenah? It’s a simple barley broth recommended by the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam). Studies show that barley can help reduce stress. As the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Talbeenah brings comfort to the sick and lessens grief.” (Al-Bukhari)

It’s easy to make: mix barley flour and water, then cook for five minutes. Then add a cup of milk and a spoonful of honey. Serve it warm, and enjoy a calming moment of peace.

When to Seek Help 🩺

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, stress can spiral into something more. If you find yourself feeling persistently anxious or sad, it’s okay to seek help. Speak to a trusted counselor or your imam. Even the most patient among us need support sometimes. Remember, as Allah said:

“Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief.” (Quraan 94:6)

Get-Calm-Quick with Prayer 🕊️

When things go wrong, remember that prayer is your lifeline. It’s your direct hotline to Allah. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) used to say, “O Bilaal, give the call to prayer, and let us find rest in it.” Prayer brings peace, calms the heart, and renews your strength to tackle whatever comes your way.

The next time you’re overwhelmed, try these steps from the Get-Calm-Quick Scheme. Whether it’s taking a deep breath, doing Dhikr, or enjoying a bowl of Talbeenah, you’ll find that peace is closer than you think. 🌸

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