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Celebrating The Times When Prayer Is Forbidden


Imagine a day spent in complete harmony with the prayer times. What if we planned every moment of our day around the times for praying? That’s the beauty of being a Muslim. Welcome to the joy of Salaah – Fajr, Thuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Ishaa – our prayers that serve as our connection to Allaah. 


Yet, did you know there are specific times when prayer is forbidden? Let’s explore these unique moments of pause and why they are important too.


The Dawn Breaks: Fajr


Ah, the crack of dawn! The melodious athaan in the stillness that invites us to Fajr, the first prayer of the day. A time when sleepy eyes blink open to the glory of a new day. Yet, once we complete Fajr, we enter a period of rest until the sun has fully risen.


No Salaah, A Time for Other Deeds & Reflection


Why no Salaah after Fajr until the sun has risen? According to Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), “No Salaah (is allowed) after Fajr prayer until the sun has risen and after Asr prayer until the sun has set.” There is wisdom in this pause. We can utilise this time for reflection, for family, for sharing breakfast with the little ones as the golden sun peeps through the kitchen window. 


Chasing Shadows: Asr


Asr, the afternoon prayer, comes in the hustle and bustle of the day, a gentle reminder to take a breather. Yet, just like Fajr, after we complete Asr prayer, there is a pause until the sun has set.


This time, as our children are back from home with laughter and stories, we get an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of these moments. It’s our compulsory ‘time-out’ from salaah that can be used to connect with them, share their experiences, and guide them through life’s challenges.


muslim mother holding baby and smiling

Between Prayer & Motherhood


Data from the Pew Research Center reveals that Muslim women are increasingly shouldering both family responsibilities and a spiritual role, with 72% reporting daily prayer. Upholding prayer in motherhood can seem daunting, but when we can also consider these periods of pause after Fajr and Asr.


Instead of rushing from one Salaah to another, Allaah has granted us these quiet periods for reflection, connection, and rest or for anything else we want to do. How incredible are these moments given to us by Allaah?


Imagine using the time after Fajr for self-reflection and planning your day. And imagine, after Asr, dedicating time to the children, helping them with homework or simply sharing a warm cup of cocoa. These periods of no Salaah can become our sanctuary, a gift from Allaah in this motherhood journey. If we ponder any Islamic principle, we can always find the ‘gift’ within it.




As we raise our children, teaching them the beauty of our faith, let’s remember these forced pauses, the endless wisdom in our Prophet’s (sallallaahu alayhi wasallm) teachings – these breaks after Fajr until the sun has risen, and after Asr until the sun has set.


As Muslim mothers, we shape the future of our Ummah. We juggle responsibilities with grace, we navigate motherhood around prayer, and in doing so, we can embody the way Allaah would want us to manage our time. 


With these pauses, these times when prayer is forbidden, we can cherish each moment with our children, and deepen our connection with Him. So, next time you complete your Fajr or Asr prayer, remember that the time till the rise or set of the sun is a gift. A gift of time for anything you want to do or to breathe, reflect, and just be.


May Allah bless our journey and grant us the wisdom to see all Islamic teachings as the gifts they truly are. As we progress in our spiritual journey as Muslim mothers, let us remember: we’re not just raising children. We’re raising the future Muslims. Let’s embrace these moments, celebrate the times for praying and put our time outside prayer to the best use. 


In the roller-coaster journey of parenting, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a checklist? Great news! We have an exclusive 30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist, tailor-made for parents.

Filled with gentle reminders and hands-on tips, this checklist prioritizes your children’s spiritual well-being and best interests. And the best part? It’s absolutely FREE!

This tool serves as a bridge, connecting daily life to our cherished goal – ensuring our children’s happiness in this world and success in the Hereafter. Check out this FREE 30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist today. Let’s embrace this journey of faith and love together, one day at a time.

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