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5 Meaningful Lessons To Teach Our Children When They Fall Sick

Infographic 5 Meaningful Lessons To Teach Our Children when they fall sick 1. Good health is an underestimated blessing from Allaah for which we don’t thank Him enough. 2. There is no might or power except with Allaah. 3. Healing can come from Allaah Alone. 4. Medicine and Ruqyah are means from Allaah. 5. We have to trust Allaah and be patient.


When I am well, I tend to underestimate how difficult it is to be sick. It is only when sickness hits me that I remember: “Ah, this thing was never too easy now, was it?” I’d struggle to pray properly and care for the kids. The most mundane tasks would seem like a burden. But when we have a sick child at home, it’s worse, isn’t it? Forget the daily activities. The all too well-known mommy-worry levels are at their peak! 

After all, we have a long list of things to do. Need to “camouflage” their medicine into their porridge, do ruqyah (tu, tu, tu) on them, snail-feed them honey and crushed black seeds. Need to also Google their symptoms only to discover that the family may have some HypertriNonsenseIchosis and that we may all die pretty soon. Special thanks to WebMD. 

Due to all this busyness, it is no wonder we tend to forget the lessons and gems that sickness can teach us. Even though these are lessons we can teach our children, they are good reminders for us as well. 


1. Good health is an underestimated blessing from Allaah for which we don’t thank Him enough. 

It is only when we are sick that we realise how much of a blessing it is to be hale and healthy and how much we take for granted. What a blessing it is to move without pain and to be able to finish the chores and tasks that we often complain about! Let’s take a moment to thank Allaah for all the times when we have been healthy and free of pain and sickness. 


mighty mountains

2. There is no might or power except with Allaah. 

When we are healthy, we may feel powerful and capable of doing a lot, without realising that this power and confidence comes from Allaah. In fact, we are useless without Him. 


hand massaging a foot

3. Healing can come from Allaah Alone. 

If He decides not to heal the sick, is there any who can restore health? No matter how many doctors we visit or how many meds we take, Allah has to say, ‘Be.’ for it to be. I can’t imagine what it might be like if He decides not to heal us.


some medicinal herbs

4. Medicine and Ruqyah are means from Allaah.

The Prophet said, “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.” (Saheeh Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 583)

The medicine we take to cure us of sickness is also a blessing from Allaah. He’s also opened the doors to powerful healing through Ruqyah. We should utilise these means. More reasons to show gratefulness and thank Him. 


hands holding a card reading 'trust'

5. We have to trust Allaah and be patient.

If you read the story of Ayyoob (alayhis salaam), you will see how he put his trust in Allaah and stayed patient. The amount of patience he had is unbelievable. And he is one of the best examples for us.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “How wonderful is the affair of the believer, for his affair is all good, and this applies to no one except the believer. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks and that is good for him, and if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and he will be rewarded for that, so everything that Allaah has decreed for the Muslim is good.” Narrated by Muslim, 2999. 

Allaah rewards us for our patience. And the reward will be well worth it. 


As a believing Muslim, everything that happens to us is good. We just have to trust Allaah, thank Him and show patience. Easily said than done, I know. But through practice, regular reminders to ourselves and surrounding ourselves with the best of people, we can all get there in sha Allaah. 

Being patient and guiding our children to what benefits them in this world and the Hereafter can be challenging sometimes. Here is a simple, yet powerful, checklist for parents, with gentle reminders and hands-on tips focused on quality interactions with your children. Plus, it is formulated keeping their spiritual well-being and best interests in mind. Want to make your children happier in this world and the Hereafter? Go on and check out this FREE Exclusive checklist! 


30-Day Islamic Parenting Checklist (1024 × 1024px) (600 × 200px) (1200 × 400px)

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